A Fast, Delicious and Nutritious Protein Shake February 03 2015, 0 Comments


Black Raspberry Chocolate Protein Shake

Fast, delicious and nutritious!  The black raspberry chocolate protein shake is sure to become your go-to drink in the morning. Two scoops of chocolate protein powder, 3 teaspoons of black raspberry powder and about a cup of your favorite milk.  A quick whirl with an immersion blender and you're done!

Want to take it to the next level?  Add a half of a frozen banana, ½ cup of frozen berries, ½ cup of Greek yogurt and a teaspoon of chia seeds.  Mix it in a blender and you’re ready to head out the door to work or a work out.

The great thing about our black raspberry powder is all the prep work has been done for you. It’s recipe ready any time. No freezer or refrigeration is needed. Plus, because it is in powder form, your body can absorb so much more of all those great antioxidants and nutrients!